


  • 1. 本人(等)不須支付任何費用予Starpro Agency Limited及有權拒絕接受Starpro Agency Limited介紹的銀行/金融機構貸款。
    I (We) do not have to pay any fees to StarPro Agency Ltd and have the right to reject any mortgage loan granted by the bank(s)/ financial institution(s) referred by StarPro Agency Ltd.

  • 2. 本人(等)確認上述資料均屬正確並授權Starpro Agency Limited可將本人(等)之個人資料(包括載於本表格的個人資料及日後由本人經電話或電子媒介向Starpro Agency Limited提供的其他個人資料)轉介至本人(等)所選之銀行/金融機構,以便有關銀行/金融機構可直接聯絡本人(等)辦理貸款申請手續。
    I (We) confirm all of the above information is correct and authorize StarPro Agency Ltd to transfer my(our) personal information (including personal data provided in this form and any other information provided by me(us) subsequently via telephone or any electronic media to StarPro Agency Ltd to the bank(s) / financial institution(s) to proceed with and contact me (us) directly in relation to my (our) mortgage loan application.

  • 3. 本人(等)明確表示同意及授權Starpro Agency Limited代表本人(等)為轉介目的跟進及轉遞本人(等)向銀行/金融機構提交的申請及向銀行/金融機構收取有關本人(等)的申請進度資料。 本人(等)亦授權銀行/金融機構接受Starpro Agency Limited轉介及利用此表格所載之個人資料與本人(等)直接聯繫及向Starpro Agency Limited發放有關本人(等)的申請進度的資料。
    I (We) expressly consent to and authorize StarPro Agency Ltd for the referral purpose to follow up and submit my (our) application to the bank(s)/ financial institution(s) and to receive any information in respect of my(our) application to any update(s) to my(our) application.

  • 4. 本人(等)明白銀行/金融機構對貸款事宜擁有最終批核權。
    4. I (We) understand the bank(s)/ financial institution(s) has the final right of decision on my(our) mortgage loan application approval.

  • 5. 如本人(等)接受任何一間由Starpro Agency Limited介紹之銀行/金融機構貸款,本人(等)明白並同意Starpro Agency Limited將會獲得該銀行之介紹費。
    5. If I (We) accept the mortgage loan granted by any bank(s), financial institution(s) referred by StarPro Agency Ltd, I (We) understand and hereby give my consent that the referral fee(s) granted by the bank(s)/ financial institution(s) shall be paid to StarPro Agency Ltd.

  • 6. 本人(等)明白Starpro Agency Limited網站 (https://starpagency.com/)之私隱政策聲明 (https://starpagency.com/個人資料收集聲明/),在本表格簽署表示同意。
    6. I (We) understand the Data Privacy Policy stated (https://starpagency.com/個人資料收集聲明/) on StarPro Agency Ltd.’s website (https://starpagency.com/) regarding collection of personal data declaration and sign herein below to confirm my(our) consent.

